A devastating fire incident has left a young lady's life in shambles, with the cause of the fire still unknown. In a heart-wrenching post she shared on Facebook, the victim recounted the tragic events that unfolded, leaving them homeless and hopeless. The fire ravaged their apartment, consuming their belongings, including cherished certificates from primary school to university, valuable business inventory, and personal effects. The victim, who had overcome previous obstacles, including financial struggles and sponsorship setbacks, is now grappling with the reality of starting life. Below is the post she made on Facebook TRAGEDY HAS BEFALLEN ON ME ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ My apartment gut fire and all my belongings burnt down. All my certificates from primary school down to university are all burnt ashes, all the clothes I'm selling, my wigs, my personal wears/ clothes and shoes and all my properties have gone. Pathetically, my NYSC Certificate that almost took my life during...