A tragic incident occurred in Ugwu Achara, a neighborhood in the capital city of Abakaliki, where four civilians were reportedly shot. The chaos unfolded after a confrontation between a military personnel and a team of mobile crack police officers. According to eyewitness accounts, the military personnel was riding a motorcycle when he was stopped by the team of police along the road. The officers demanded that he enter their Sienna vehicle, but the military personnel refused. In an attempt to force him into the van, a violent struggle ensued. During this confrontation, one of the officers allegedly fired a warning shot in an attempt to intimidate the soldier. Tragically, the gunshot struck four civilians who were nearby, observing the escalating situation. Eyewitnesses described a scene of panic and confusion as the civilians, who were uninvolved in the altercation, became unintended victims of the gunfire. Upon realizing that there were casua...